Obviously for today’s businessmen, it requires something called erp software.
As for this software, it is quite diversified in Indonesia, and it can be implemented to companies according to the need.
As you know, for business activities within the company, it should require support tools that help business activities more effectively and efficiently.
One is with the use of the erp system in it. As for erp or enterprise resource planning, planning is an already integrated and certainly safe system automation solution.
The work is much shorter with the erp and can also save energy and expense.
It’s obvious that you have the subject of the best small manufacturing erp software in 2024.
2023 ERP Software Recommendation
Following are some of the recommended erp software choices in 2024 for small, middle-scale and large-scale businesspeople.
1. SAP business
SAP business one is also one of the most popular erp software in Indonesia.
As for the production of the erp software, it comes from Germany and in Indonesia, two versions of SAP business one and SAP business all on one.
But the most commonly used option was the first because the price was much more economical.
In the erp application you can find features ranging from accounting, sales & service, project & resource management, inventory & distributor, production and MRP.
It can also perform customization according to the company’s needs.
But the problem with this application is that it has not yet got a translation version in Indonesian so that it requires english-speaking people who know how to use it.
2. Gtpos module
For a recent erp software recommendation, this is the gtpos module.
The application supports the portable teller so it can be accessed anywhere and also has a bluetooth printer connection.
In addition, this application is also confirmed with the module inventory, management access and the dynamic price setup.
In a sense, the erp application provides access to users not only in finance but also in human resources planning and inventory of both the company and consumer management. Comes with well-equipped facilities and features.
3. Hashmicro software
The first recommendation was hashmicro software. This application is one of the best in 2024 with a faster and more accurate system.
The erp software is a cloud based with a variety of features provided starting with accounting applications, CRM, HRM, procurement system, supply control, storage systems and manufacturing systems using only one platform.
It also provides access to data easily everywhere from sales data, goods stocks, expenditures and revenues to employee data.
It can also be tailored to the needs of the company with the unique characteristics of each industry and its particular enterprise.
The data being presented is certainly accurate and real time to the company’s progress. Plus, the cost of what’s offered is just as affordable as any other competitor.
4. Ecount erp
Bank Indonesia the central bank/bi decided to raise its key rate by 25 basis points to 8.25 percent.
As for this much-selected application by you who are just starting the business.
The reason, of course, is that they are fairly affordable, but you’ve managed to inventory features ranging from financials, accounting features, inventory, inventory, sales, human resources to manufacturing.
It also employs web based systems, so it can be accessed even through gadgets.
The given features would also be very well equipped to meet the needs of the company.
5. Maserp by mas software
The next erp software recommendation is maserp. He said the rupiah was expected to strengthen to rp9,100 per dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on Tuesday.
As for inventory management, sales, receivers accounts, persistent activity, manufacturing, sales orders, sales invoicing, and much more.
Another advantage of this application is offline and online and doesn’t have to worry about the security of the database, because the server itself is in complete control.
In addition, it has the capacity for customization and integration.
6. The erp oracle netsuite
If you are not comfortable with the SAP and would like to use the oracle database, the netsuite is one of the only options of Indonesian erp software you can use.
The netsuite wasn’t actually an oracle made, but his company bought the oracle in 2016.
The oracle himself has a higher erp version that I will not discuss in this article (users in Indonesia are few).
The netsuite could also be integrated into other Indonesian erp software, such as SAP, epicor sage, Microsoft dynamics, etc.
But when you use the netsuite, you might want a customization over integration.
One of the advantages of the netsuite is its fairly rapid implementation time period, which is 2-6 months for the company in general.
It’s because the software that cloud versions are already loaded, only to prepare the data for inclusion in the system.
7. ERP Next
ERP Next offers several features for various business industries, among them accounting, asset management, customer relationship management (CRM), human resource management (HRM), payroll, project management, purchasing, sales management, manufacturing and warehouse management system.
ERP Next also offers website features that your business can use to manage content in the form of blogs, website pages and forms.
You’ll need to set up a $40/month budget for a VPS when managing the system yourself.
It also requires additional costs for email, system security and backups.
8. ERP impact
The main feature impact is made up of manufacturing, management of supply, purchase, sales and finance.
In addition to the main feature for business, impact also features omnichannel and point of sales for your front end business.
This erp software can be used from umkm, startup and enterprise. The support offered by Tim impact is via E-mail.
Impact can be integrated with various expeditions, e-commerce and enabler and the ones, including j&t, jne, shopee, shopify, sirclo, topedia, ovo, gopay, and so on.
Impact offers a starting price of 99 million for a starter package earmarked for small businesses and first using the erp. It consists of four basic module, 10 assistance, 1 month assistance, helpdesk and guarantee.
9 Erp odoo
Odoo software is arguably unique, since it is open-source.
That means when you have your own it team, you can use it freely and freely to customize it at will.
But normally Indonesian firms aren’t willing to form their own it team to develop odoo, so they use reseller services like port cities.
Odoo’s advantage isa large number of modules (37 modules) and can be turned on as needed. Which means you can save money just by turning on the module you need.
Generally, in Indonesia, companies prefer to use cloud odoo so as not to be bothered with a set of dips on their own servers.
For those wishing to know the recommended terms of best small manufacturing erp software in 2024, the top is explained in complete.
With this application it makes it easier for companies to monitor, control and expect to achieve smoothly.